Rohm Referencedesigns

REFACDC038 - Reference Design

Non-isolated AC voltage detection zero crossing

Non-Isolated Type, The BM1Z002FJ-EVK-001 outputs a signal indicating when there is a zero voltage crossing from an input AC voltage from 90VAC to 264VAC.

  • The BM1Z002FJ with the very few external components, will output a signal which is synchronous and
  • offset in time if configured to do so, indicating when the two phases of the input AC signals are crossing 0V relative to
  • one another. The advantage of the BM1Z002FJ is that it will provide the desired output signal while consuming less
  • than 1/10 of the current, using fewer components, and at higher precision and repeatability as compared to a
  • conventional zero cross detection circuit.



Board Number Input Voltage Range Input Frequency Output Voltage(High Level) Output Voltage(Low Level) Delay Time Operating Temperature
BM1Z002FJ-EVK-001 90 to 264Vac 47 to 63Hz 5V(Typ.) 0.1V(Max.) 0µs -10 to 65deg.C

Distribution Inventory

Board Number Distributor Quantity Available
BM1Z002FJ-EVK-001 Chip One Stop, Inc. 2
DigiKey 2
Mouser Electronics Inc. 1

Key Components

Board Number Product Category Part Number Datasheet Status SPICE LTspice® ? Thermal Model Symbol & Footprint 3D STEP Samacsys ECAD Library Calc Tool ROHM Solution Simulator
BM1Z002FJ-EVK-001 AC Voltage Zero Cross Detection ICs BM1Z002FJ - Recommended - - -
BM1Z002FJ-EVK-001 AC/DC Converters ICs BM2P129TF - Recommended - - - -
BM1Z002FJ-EVK-001 Linear Regulators BD50FA1FP3 - Recommended - -
BM1Z002FJ-EVK-001 Fast Recovery Diodes RFN1LAM6S - Recommended - - - - -
BM1Z002FJ-EVK-001 Standard Rectifier Diodes RRE02VSM6S - Recommended - - - - -